Switching From Fiction to Nonfiction with H.R. Sinclair & Bloodstone
Today I welcome H.R. Sinclair! Her new book, Blood Stone, is the first in the Lost Witch series, and releases September 22. I asked her to talk about switching between fiction and non-fiction for her visit. Switching From Fiction to Nonfiction I’m H. R. Sinclair, an urban fantasy author and artist living in New England. I also write nonfiction books including A Writer’s Guide to Color . Writing both fiction and nonfiction can be rewarding. They use different superpowers. One pulls from the creative side of you, allowing you to immerse into make-believe situations, the other charges up your analytical brain. A key difference is that, in fiction, the author holds back, drops clues, dangles red herrings. In non-fiction, the author writes everything down, right there, all together. To Shift to Non-Fiction, Leverage Your Skills Use your storytelling skills to make those facts more interesting. Add narratives, descriptions, and use a clear structure. Use your voice in non-fiction—seriou