
IWSG - To Run & Fly - New Short Story Release!

It's time for the March Insecure Writer's Support Group! Created by Alex J. Cavanaugh , the IWSG is a support group for writers and a place to air our insecurities. Anyone can join. simply click on Alex's name and add your blog to the list. This month's co-hosts are Ronel Janse Van Vuuren , Pat Garcia , and Liza @ Middle Passages . The optional question this month is: If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you. Honestly, I can't think of a person I'd want to be for a day. If I want to change my life, I'll change my life, you know? As for a thing, there are a handful of animals I probably wouldn't mind being for a day. A jungle cat, a house cat, a bird. I used to love running so much. I set records in two different schools. But my knees and spine are destroyed these days, and running is a rarity that brings pain instead of that amazing freedom I ...

IWSG - Author Burnout, YA, & Stats

It's time for the February Insecure Writer's Support Group! Created by Alex J. Cavanaugh , the IWSG occurs the first Wednesday of each month and serves to provide a space for writers to exchange insecurities and seek support. Anyone can join. Simply click on Alex's name and put your blog on the linky list. This month's co-hosts are: Joylene Nowell Butler , Louise Barbour , and Tyrean Martinson . The optional question this month is: Is there a story or book you've written you want to/wish you could go back and change? Short answer is no. They're written. They exist as they are. I'd rather move forward and write new stories! My insecurity this month is how deeply burned out I am and how it feels like I'll never dig out. I know I will eventually, and I'm trying not to push it. In the meantime, I've been enjoying changing things up and writing nonfiction for Rocky Mountain Reader. One of my pieces just came out this week and is free to read: Why YA i...

IWSG - 2024 Recap & Big News

It's time for the first Insecure Writer's Support Group posting of 2025! Created by Alex J. Cavanaugh , the IWSG provides a space for writers to share their insecurities and provide support to each other. Anyone can join. Simply click on Alex's name and put your name on the link list. (We typically post the first Wednesday of the month unless, like in this case, it falls on a holiday). The co-hosts this month are Rebecca Douglass , Beth Camp , Liza at Middle Passages , and Natalie Aguirre . It's always nice to drop by and thank the co-hosts for their help! The optional question this month is:  Describe someone you admired when you were a child. Did your opinion of that person change when you grew up? I'm skipping the optional question this month. I don't have any December submissions stats, as I never had any time to make submissions! I also had zero rejections or acceptances. Funny how that works when you don't submit something. ;) However, I did get my fir...

IWSG - Cliffhangers

I almost forgot! And then I was sitting in a meeting and remembered. So late, but here.  It's time for the Insecure Writer's Support Group! Created by Alex J. Cavanaugh , the IWSG serves to create a community where writers lend each other support.  The optional question: Do you write cliffhangers at the end of your stories? Are they a turn-off to you as a reader and/or writer? I don't really do cliffhangers, no. However, in horror things can be left open to translation or hinting at something, so I might do that at times. In novel/urban fantasy form, I wrap up the big things and present something at the end that leads into the next story, so that may be considered a bit of a cliffhanger, but I do think it's important to wrap up the main threads of that novel by the end. Without further ado (because I'm totally still in my meeting and writing this, lol), my stats for the month of November: 0 new submissions (no tiiiiiiime) 1 rejection (Note I got an acceptance TODAY,...

IWSG - Words & Photos

It's the first Wednesday of November, so time for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Created by Alex J. Cavanaugh , the IWSG gives writers a place to express their insecurities and lend support to their fellow writers. The co-hosts this month are Diedre Knight , Lisa Buie Collard , Kim Lajevardi , and JQ Rose . The optional question this month: What creative activity do you engage in when you're not writing? I love photography. Some day I should really take a class in it, but time is not limitless. I can't even pretend to know how many photos I will take when I go to England and Scotland next summer, but plan on being inundated! Some photos from the last year, a mix of coast, desert, and mountain: I had other things to talk about, but you know what? I'm leaving it there for this month. May you find your Muse.

Giveaway of Myth Stalker: Wendigo Nights by Author's Alcove

Hi! I'm just dropping in really quick to let folks know that Author's Alcove is giving away a copy of Myth Stalker: Wendigo Nights! It's free to enter, and there are other books you can win, as well. So even if you already have Wendigo Nights, it's worth it to pop by. Click here to go to the entry form . Wow, just wow! From the very first page of  Myth Stalker: Wendigo Nights  by Shannon Lawrence, I was completely hooked. It immediately grabbed my attention with its focus on a Wendigo—reminding me of an emotional episode of  Charmed . This book gave me major  Buffy the Vampire Slayer  vibes, but with a twist: it’s a mystery! Though typically categorized as Action/Adventure and Fantasy, the mystery element was a delightful surprise. Fast-paced, with intriguing character dynamics and a strong, spunky female lead, the story had me enthralled. The heroine’s mission—rooted in deep, heartfelt love—added incredible depth, making it both moving and engaging. I highly r...

IWSG - Ghost Stories & Prioritization

Hi! I'm late posting this today, because work kicked my butt yesterday! I worked almost 13 hours straight, and my lovely husband made dinner and brought it to me while I worked. Anyway, it's IWSG time! The Insecure Writer's Support Group is a way for us to share our insecurities with each other, seek and gain support, and create a community. It was created by Alex J. Cavanaugh . Anyone can join; simply click on Alex's name and put your name on the linky list on the IWSG tab. The co-hosts this month are Nancy Gideon , Jennifer Lane , Jacqui Murray , and Natalie Aguirre . Please stop by and thank them for helping out today! The optional question this month is Ghost stories fit right in during this month. What's your favorite classic ghostly tale? Tell us about it and why it sends a chill up your spine. Not so much a classic tale, but The Others is a really good, more contemporary ghost story that feels ageless. The twist was well done, and it's haunting in a diff...